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Right to information means access to government information to the people. This means that citizens and non-governmental organizations should have reasonable free access to government functions, decisions and files and documents related to their days, in other words, there should be openness and transparency in government activities. This is contrary to secrecy in public administration. This statement of Paras Kupad is correct, which of these should be adopted as a paradigm of transparency administration through privacy or right to information as a component of the privilege of the executive. Both argue the public interest. Which of these really serves the public interest and can they be reconciled?" In 1662, the World Bank issued a document called 'Administration and Development'. In this seven aspects or elements of administration were mentioned. One of which was transparency and information. It was enacted on 15th June 2005 and fully implemented on 12th October 2005 with all the clauses. Right to Information means Right to Information. Right to information means, The right to get information, which the nation implementing the right to information law provides to its citizens. Through the right to information, the nation makes its work and governance system public to its citizens.

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SKU: 9789387774094
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  • डॉ. विपिन कुमार अग्रवाल

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